Sunday, December 31, 2006

It is back to work..

Celebration over, notable thing was families & friends gathering at someone's home and partying; policing was very strict on the roads, though I saw three people riding on a single bike, obviously drunk, harassing an innocent man, for not walking properly. Isako kahate hai ulta chor kotwal ko date. (Case of pot calling kettle black.)
Fail to understand why some people drink as if it is the last day of earth.

Blogging on New Year's Eve

It is good that my pc just next to my microscope, so whenever I feel like talking I can just key in something!
These days posting cases mostly at ipath, where there is less of an hastle. Most of the time is spent in reading emails of the various mailing lists that I subscribe.
But interacting with people online has been quite a fulfilling experience.
More later, Enjoy the New Year's Eve!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lights! Camera!! G. lambia!!!

Stool Saline preparation showing protozoa in action, shot with Nikon coolpix 3700 in video mode, converted to real media with real producer.

Friday, June 30, 2006