Saturday, July 26, 2008

HTC s710 continuous reboot solution

If you have this phone and if it starts giving you starting trouble, for some reason you switch it off and it refuses to start completely again, goes into sequence of starting halfway again rebooting, then solution is here. People have suggested removing SIM card or storage card and starting the phone, switching it off again, putting the card back and starting again. Just worked for me!

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Life and the work

There is always so much to do. How everybody manages, I am not sure. All I can say is life is not easy. But can be fun if it is managed well.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

How to solve tough cases?

Understand what u r examining.
Collect all the data.
Add gross and microscopic data.
Compare it with all possible lesions.
Rule out the possibilities one by one zeroing on the diagnosis.
If still not comfortable consult a colleague with more experience in that area.

Trying to post through mobile

If this post apears on the blog, it wil be a success!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Mondays are always tough!

So many things have to be done on Mondays only. Takes away every little enjoyment done on Sundays.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

How to unclutter life and work

Battling with the clutter most of the time. Got to take decisions then and there (mostly). If I keep it for later, things get lost, and I end up spending more time looking for them.
Must have proper places for everything.
A set of rules for taking decisions.
This should happen at spinal level or as a learned reflex.
Let us see...